(energise 的过去分词) vt. 供给…能量;使精力充沛(等于energize)
energise的过去分词, 过去式
- First, he energised his supporters, prompting pollsters to bump up their projections of Republican turnout on election day.
第一,激发了支持者的热情,进而使得民意调查机构上调了对选举日共和党人投票率的预期。 - But social issues which have energised Republican politics for decades returned dramatically to the fore during the past week, with controversies involving contraception and abortion, religious freedom and same-sex marriage filling the airwaves.
但最近,数十年来为共和党的政治活动源源不断地注入活力的社会问题,重新被推到了风口浪尖,有关节育与堕胎、宗教自由以及同性婚姻的辩论,充斥着媒体的各个角落。 - It showed a feel for counter-insurgency that energised troops on the ground.
它展现了一种反叛乱情感,鼓舞了作战部队。 - Find creative ways to integrate family time with exercise-Your entire family will be healthier and more energised as a result of physical activity.
创造性地找到适合整个家庭的运动方式。你家人会由于运动而变得更健康。 - Focus on how you want your body to feel-strong, energised-rather than on how it looks.
专注于你希望自己的身体感觉怎么样强壮,精力充沛而不是外表看上去怎么样。 - Yet among those familiar with the two businesses, Goldman still led Morgan Stanley in a category known as "energised differentiation", a measure that translates into pricing power, Ms Rivers said.
不过,瑞弗斯表示,在熟悉两家公司的人群中,高盛仍有一项指标领先于摩根士丹利,即“积极细分”(energiseddifferentiation)这项指标可以转化为定价能力。 - The combination of oxygen and exercise will ensure you get a good quality sleep and you will be able to return to work feeling energised!
氧气和运动的结合会帮助你拥有优质的睡眠,你在回去工作的时候能够感到自己充满活力! - Mr Hurstel, at Ernst& Young, worries about how to keep long-serving partners happy and energised, especially after the Enron scandals have eroded their godlike status.
安永的Hurstel先生担心如何才能让长期服务的合伙人心情愉快,精力充沛,特别是经过安然丑闻侵蚀了他们近乎神化的地位之后。 - Mr Bolton appears energised by his decision.
波顿的决定似乎让他精神焕发。 - Above all, the alliance has been energised by america's intensified commitment.