网络 啰音; 罗音; 水泡音
- a rapid series of short loud sounds (as might be heard with a stethoscope in some types of respiratory disorders)
- the death rattle
- Second, the crushing defeat of the hard-left parties robs the biggest union, the Communist-backed Conf é d é ration G é n é rale du Travail ( CGT), of some of its force.
其次,极左政党的大溃败削弱了最大工会&法国总工会的部分影响力。 - In America and Canada the nuclear slack could be taken up by domestically produced gas, Soci é t é G é n é rale reckons, reflecting the sheer scale of the shale-gas revolution there.
兴业银行估计,美国和加拿大的核发电量下降可以通过国产天然气弥补,这反映出美加两国页岩气革命的真实规模。 - When the screen surface to knock hit rale for the festival, melodious singing of "health" cavity Yun stressed that the very sound was becoming known.
在筛面时以磕罗音为击节,唱着悠扬的“生”腔韵调,好听之极,遂渐为人知。 - Soci é t é G é n é rale announced a loss after more big write-downs and rising loss provisions.
法兴银行宣布经过进一步的大幅减记和增加损失准备金后,该行有亏损。 - Results Tachycardia, decline of SPO2 and rale of lung was found in all patients.
结果所有病人均出现心率增快、脉搏氧饱和度下降,双肺听诊满布湿罗音和哮鸣音。 - France's Soci é t é G é n é rale is an honourable exception.
在这方面法国的兴业银行是个值得尊敬的例外。 - Such rates chime with the "ice age" thesis of Albert Edwards, a Soci é t é G é n é rale strategist who has long predicted a Japanese style crunch for the developed world.
低利率同时契合了由法兴银行战略师阿尔伯特·爱德华提出的“冰川时代”理念,爱德华先生在很久以前就预言发达国家将会出现与日本类似的症结。 - As Dylan Grice, a strategist at Soci é t é G é n é rale, points out, it looks as if investors are betting on lower inflation than history would suggest despite the fact that central banks are printing money.
法国兴业银行的策略分析师狄伦·格莱斯指出,这似乎表示尽管中央银行还在印新钱,投资者还是在赌通膨会低于历史水平。 - Robert Reilly, co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Soci é t é G é n é rale, calls it a high-risk assumption.
法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)固定收益和外汇业务亚洲区联席负责人将人民币的升值称为一种高风险假设。 - The physical sign and clinical symptom such as febris, cough, expectoration, thoracalgia, wheeze, the disappearance of pulmonary rale and the time of patchy shadow disappearance in X-ray plain film were all observed.