英 [wel ˌwɪʃəz]
美 [wel ˈwɪʃərz]
n. (以行动)表示祝愿者
- N-COUNT 表示良好祝愿的人
Well-wishersare people who hope that a particular person or thing will be successful, and who show this by their behaviour.- The main street was lined with well-wishers.
- The main street was lined with well-wishers.
- And suddenly he was-battling through a crowd of well-wishers to get to the groom. He edged to the front of the crowd.
然后他突然出现了,从拥挤人群夹道里钻出来站在新郎面前。 - Thousands of flag-waving well-wishers lined the streets of the city, with a heavy police presence around the city's cathedral where the ceremony was held.
数千名祝愿者列队站在城市街道两边摇旗欢呼,举行婚礼的教堂周围也加强了警戒。 - But some members of his family acknowledged his precarious state in recent days, even as an admiring nation and well-wishers across the globe started to come to terms with his mortality.
但对其充满敬仰的全国人民和全球支持者开始不得不接受他病危的事实,同时他的一些家人近日承认他的病情危重。 - The80-minute ceremony may have scuppered their chances of running a new personal best time, but the couple emerged beaming to a shower of confetti and cheers from guests and well-wishers.
整场婚礼进行了80分钟,耽误的时间使他们没法取得比赛佳绩,但是伴着飘舞的五彩纸屑,还有宾客和祝福者的欢呼声,夫妻二人笑逐颜开,喜气洋洋。 - Imagine a corner shop that is not doing well. At best it cannot provide its owner with a minimum standard of living. At worst it cannot even cover its costs and is kept going by loans and donations from relations, friends and well-wishers.
假设一家街角小店生意不好,那么最好的情况是,它只是无法帮店主满足最低生活标准,而最糟糕的情况是,它入不敷出,只能靠贷款以及亲戚朋友和好心人的捐助运营。 - At the victory party, Obama paced around, checking notes for his speech, and greeting the many well-wishers who bugged him and shook his hand.
庆祝晚宴上,奥巴马踱步走开了,不断检查演讲词,问候充满希望和他频频握手的人们。 - We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations!
我们不再接待任何祝贺、客人或是亲戚了! - It isn't the easiest time to be a low-level Chinese official. Gone are the days of sweet gifts from ardent well-wishers. Real-estate ambitions have to be curbed. Belts must be tightened.
中国低级别官员的好日子已经一去不复返了:不会再有人来送礼,不能再奢望有多套房产,还得勒紧裤腰带过日子。 - For now, Mr Yang's school is holding out, with a diesel generator and cans of water supplied by well-wishers.
现在,杨校长的学校正靠柴油发电机和热心人士提供的桶装水维持着。 - As the limousine slowly cruised to the nearby Imperial Hotel, the princess smiled and waved to thousands of well-wishers along the road.